It is 997GT3RS. Parallel importation, a new car, and a color are oranges.
It says from a conclusion. It is GiveUp in several after-purchase month mileage of 600km.
since it was a very good car (the vehicle store) -- then -- と -- it is quite late although I purchased. It is later than challenge ストラダーレ as well as 996GT2 which had ridden before. If it says more, it is later than ランエボ 8 before finished by マインズ. Although I understood, that comparison with GT2 is nonsense rode, because some were expected, and it was ガッカリ.
if it is a circuit -- an interesting car -- although those who consider it ... also come, since my run area is a translation which is the general way ONLY and which carries out and is not in a racing car these days. Even if called a straight line school gang leader, it is important for the general way performance emergency which is O.K. The acceleration when calling it ココ っ now is very ガッカリ touch.
RS from a vehicle friend -- how is it? It was very hot touch to answer that it will seemingly be interesting in a circuit, whenever it is heard.
I opted for sale on the day when the tail of F430 has finally kept away in a straight line.
Also interior ... Colet -- 911 ... carrying out cost performance pursuit too much, although it is being able to say to the whole Porsche vehicle -- it is . GT3andGT2 once -- a special -- since it is a model translation, I am not impressed at all to the extent that some アルカンターラs were adopted. The circumference of meter, and steering door lining [carbon] I want you to make it a special more. Although it is not leather tension, 911 series ほぼ as it is is touch.
Since GT2 had speed, interior patience could be carried out, but I did not have a reason which GT3 puts up with.
It also understands that many those who high-evaluate this car by a viewpoint completely different from me also exist.
once -- me -- as the opinion of an individual, it was the touch which is not so interesting.
I think if you refer to those who will consider purchase from now on.
Strong point
リア っ羽 is large. (D vehicle) It is small. ">* Parallel importation vehicle => リア っ羽 is large. (D vehicle) It is small.
spacer is already contained, and is COOL in fender ツライチ. ">* The parallel importation vehicle => spacer is already contained, and is COOL in fender ツライチ.
* Sound was GOOD very well. It is not as Charest.
* In the case of 997, the parenthesis of a color by touch too RS in an orange is good.
* Although it is natural now, as a carbon brake of a mass-production vehicle, PCCB is first.
* If a price considers normal GT3, there is a relatively cheap feeling.
* A parenthesis is very good in a large carbon wing and a showy orange wide & low.
* A straight line is late. There is also no feeling of climax and it is not got blocked with ず ~ っ, and flat touch.
* Interior ... Production like Carrera GT is required.
* switches -- cheap -- it feels, and come out and it is very x.
* On the whole, production power and a mood are insufficient.
Porsche 911
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