Mr. Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) who is CEO of U.S. Apple is on August 11,It was admitted that the what is called "kill switch (kill switch)" function which can cancel the malicious application downloaded to iPhone by remote control was equipped.
Mr. Jobbs explained existence of the kill switch function which can stop the application downloaded to iPhone or iPod by the Apple side in the U.S. Wall Street Journal paper dated August 11.
The application with which Mr. Jobbs is malicious passes through the check of the company, and it is being emphasized as the "last measures for defense" in the case of having been sold by "App Store" that this function is required.
"Although it does not use the kill switch, it will also be irresponsible that this kind of function is not prepared at all." (Mr. Jobbs)
In addition, Apple has managed the application for iPhone currently sold by App Store.
Existence of this function became clear in what a certain Jonathan ジジアル skiing (Jonathan Zdziarski) of the also took up the work about iPhone development for by the security researcher last week. The said person discovered that the code of one line which specifies URL like a non-fixed blacklist as OS of iPhone was contained. This URL is a server of Apple and only temporary data is contained at present.
Mr. Andrew Storms (Andrew Storms) who acts as the director specializing in security business by U.S. nCircle Network Security of a security vendor,It is assuming the question to regard iPhone in which such a hiding function was carried as the device for companies.
Mr. Storms claims "The kill switch of including in the management tool of iPhone and Apple setting up through URL is unsuitable." Incidentally, "BlackBerry" which Research In Motion (RIM) of Canada offers can cancel the application which IT administrator of a company manages by himself by remote control.
However, Mr. Storms is saying, "If it sees from a consumer's position, a kill switch function is also required." The said person raised the application "I Am Rich" sold by App Store till last week, as the example.
This application was sold for 999 dollars 99 cents, although only the function which displays an icon like a ruby on the home screen of iPhone was equipped (it is only an application which reveals that he is rich in short). According to Mr. Storms, although it seems that several persons purchased this application, they say that they were immediately deleted from App Store.
Since App Store started operation, Mr. Jobbs has said that the application of an average of 1 million dollars per is sold day in 30 days. If this pace is maintainable from now on also, sales of 360 million dollars can be expected in one year. Incidentally 30% of the sales [ the remaining 70% of ] of application are distributed to Apple at the development origin of application.
Existence of the "hiding function" with which an apple and "iPhone" were equipped is accepted. "It is a function not to use I praying" and Mr. Jobbs
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