Water indispensable when we make a living. Although the person using tap water thinks that he is most, how is the user evaluating the quality?
According to investigation of the cultural center of ミツカン water, when a question was asked "What you think the number of the tap water of your home is in ten-point full marks", whole averages were 7.2 points and the highest ever evaluation.
on the other hand, the reply of "not being delicious" if you ask, "is dissatisfaction felt about the present tap water?" -- most -- many -- 40.5%. Hereafter, "antiseptics, such as chlorine, are not good for health" (35.8%) and "water rates are high" (33.3%) continue. However, the rate which answered "It is not delicious" is continuing (1995 are 61.0%) falling since the investigation start in 1995, and it is imagined also from here that evaluation of tap water is high.
It says to the background, "Advanced water-purifying processing (reference link) may have been introduced from the second half of the 1990s in the water purification plant of every place" (cultural center of ミツカン water).
In advanced water-purifying processing, living thing processing, ozonization, and granular activated carbon treatment were added to the conventional water-purifying processing, and while cost became high compared with general processing, it became possible to remove most of a smell or a contaminant. In this center, it also guesses "probably, it contributes to changing recognition that the Waterworks Bureaus, such as Osaka, are advertizing the water quality improvement positively, after introducing advanced water-purifying processing."
From now on, what will happen to water environment of Japan? as for the 1st place, "environmental tax is introduced if" it inquires, "what do you think the environment which will surround water in 2108 100 years after has become?" -- 58.0%. It continued [ "water rates are soaring" (49.8%), hereafter, "the sea and a river being polluted" (45.3%), and ], and those who predict the change in respect of a charge were conspicuous.
By investigation by fax, objects are 620 men and women (the number of effective replies 486 persons, 78.3% of a valid response rate) of 20 years-old cost to 60 years-old cost who reside in the Tokyo region (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa), the Osaka bloc (Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto), and central Chukyo megalopolis area (Aichi, Mie, Gifu). A consultation period is 16 days from June 11.
The reason to which tap water became delicious
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