"Don't forsake a fishing of Japan". [ "the way things stand, it cannot do" and ] Fishermen raised [ when the method of a petition and the national simultaneous stop of fishing were carried out in the plight of the fishing by fuel cost jump ] pathetic voice in Hibiya Park, Tokyo on the 15th. The "total rally" for which about 3600 persons gathered. in these five years, a fuel cost leaps up about 3 times -- a life of fishermen -- "-- it will be called the state of deficit" if it sails out to fish. 200,000 fishing boats made the fishing port of every place leisurely, and usual vigor did not have them on that day which canceled fishing.
■ Fisherman meetings
"National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations" to which the coast fishermen's cooperative association of the whole country 1100 [ about ] belongs, and "Japan Fisheries Association" consisting mainly of the oceans and offing contractors who do not belong to a fishermen's cooperative association sponsor the meeting at the Hibiya Park large concert hall (Chiyoda-ku). Miyazaki fishery Muraji's Hidemitsu Maruyama and representation executive board length "a fishery operator's self-reliance is already a limit. The written resolution was read out as the government should lecture on a required measure to a fuel jump."
Mr. 古田 Hiko Usa (65) who performs the fishery of edible brown algae, a sea urchin, etc. which came from Yawatahama-shi, Ehime "as for fuel cost, even if it goes up, a price of fish is former 1/2. It cannot live on this." Mr. Naoichi Suzuki (60) of Chiba Minami-Boso which performs fishing for saury "even fuel cost cannot be earned even if it appears in a fishery. Voice was raised as the fishing boat of 200,000 boats across the country becomes half and a fishing of Japan may be destroyed the way things stand."
Participants repeated "a country needs to protect a fishing" etc. and a choral yelling, and after the end of a meeting staged a demonstration the outskirts of Kasumigaseki, such as before the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. [Tomoki Okuyama]
■ Hachinohe
At the Hachinohe fishing port in Hachinohe-shi, Aomori which is proud of amount No.1 of the country of landing of a cuttlefish, the cuttlefish fishing fishing boat which made it the front [ golden age ] and stopped fishing was located in a line with the quay on that day.
Hachinohe -- according to everybody and the fishermen's cooperative association, the landing on the morning of the 16th becomes zero -- it expects and comes out and is called "unprecedented." According to the fisherman belonging to [ of a fishery ] the Iwate Yamada harbor, and Mr. Takehisa Fukushi (60) in the offing of Hachinohe, the fuel which 1 boat will consume on the 1st is about 400l., and is about 60 percent of cost. The cuttlefish fishing fishery using a fishing lamp needs much fuel especially. Mr. Fukushi is sad "The value of a cuttlefish does not go up to fuel cost increasing."
According to the fishery company of Hachinohe-shi, the ship changed to daytime fishing is also referred to as [ many ]. A person in charge "it is scrambling for few pies. It appealed against the predicament that it is desperate that some are also damp and the fishery is carried out since it cannot live, if it still does not take." [喜浦遊]
■ Tsukiji
The fresh fish storekeepers of the curb market of Tsukiji, Tokyo say, "He is almost uninfluential". [ of the stop of fishing only on the 1st ] But, future uneasiness cannot be swept away. Storekeepers expressed dissatisfaction to correspondence of the government to a fuel jump uniformly.
The chief of the shop of a sushi store "3 珍", and Mr. Norihisa Deguchi (45) "if the value of a fish goes up, cut fish will be made thin or many frozen elegance will be used. It talked with my wanting you to relieve exactly the fishery operator who bears the tradition of a meal of Japan."
The fresh fish store "Saito fishery" president (60), Mr. Yoshiaki Saito, "Doesn't for the first time in [ of the government / lack of policy ] serve as a backdrop to a fuel jump? It told that I want you to delete a useless portion and to change the use of a tax, such as taking out to a required place."
a fresh fish store -- "-- the storekeeper of fish elegant" and Mr. Masakazu Nakajima (50) also used "if it stops fishing continuously, the price of fish will leap up and management will become painful", and uneasiness to future as the mouth
five years -- a 3-time-as many fuel cost as this -- "-- if it sails out to fish -- deficit"
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