Although a non-fibrous-carbohydrates cut and low-calorie-content goods of liquor have appeared one after another from the rise of the consciousness to meta-ボリック, the goods of low calorie content appear also sake shortly. As for the "non-fibrous-carbohydrates zero" which a laurel wreath puts on the market from Mon., September 8, at less than 0.5g, the non-fibrous carbohydrates per 100ml are based on a nutrition labeling standard, and the display of "zero non-fibrous carbohydrates" is possible. Can it cause a stir in the alcoholic market where violent competition is performed!?
Since non-fibrous carbohydrates are originally directly linked with the "taste" which man feels, it is said that flavor falls if only non-fibrous carbohydrates are removed simply. By the "non-fibrous-carbohydrates super digest process" developed uniquely, these goods realized the ultimate cut of non-fibrous carbohydrates, where a taste ingredient is left as much as possible.
Considering balance with the knob and meal which healthy-oriented people choose, flavor is super-light 麗辛口. It is light Japanese-style food, a vegetable dish, and good affinity, and if it is often cooling and drinks, it will be said that it is good.
Although the alcohol which was conscious of health, such as purine-bodies cut beer, non-fibrous-carbohydrates zero low-malt beer, a low-calorie-content cocktail, and a sour, is increasing by the consciousness and taste of a consumer, the width of selection is likely to spread further by sale of these goods.
These goods are developed by three items of pack 詰 (1.8l., 900 ml) and cup 詰 (200 ml).
"Non-fibrous-carbohydrates zero" sake following low-malt beer and beer
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