The number of the traffic accidents which the driver aged 65 and over caused by within the prefecture in one year last year is 1106, and it turned out in the conclusion of the Prefectural-Police traffic planning division that it increases about 2-3 times of ten years ago (473 affairs), and has about ten percent of an accident total. It is regarded as a cause that elderly people's license holder (about 123,300 persons) increased near 2 double [ of ten years ago (about 63,500 persons) ], and this section is putting power into a measure, such as being "the spring national traffic safety campaign" on six to the 15th, and opening the traffic safety short course for elderly people.
The casualties (1502 persons) by the accident which elderly people caused also increase rapidly ten years before (597 persons). In the cause of an accident, a collision and rear-end collision of collision have accounted for about 60 percent in all, and this section analyzes [ "a view and eyesight decline and confirming safe conditions are fully impossible in many cases" and ] the cause of an accident.
In response to such the present condition, during [ this ] the campaign, the safety training program for elderly people was opened in the automobile training school, and the education flier turned to elderly people in the hospital was distributed.
In the Ishibe car driving school (Hunan), 15 persons of 70 years-old cost participate. It was given by the Koka staff about seat belt wear duty-ization of the backseat, and before operation, the state of an engine room or a tire was checked and it actually operated. This city mandarin orange bag which participated, and Ms. inoccupation Kiyomi Takei (71) said, "Judgment has also become blunt and I want to take care safely, taking advantage of this opportunity."
In the revised Road Traffic Law, elderly people aged 75 and over will impose a duty of the cognitive performance inspection which investigates whether there is any decline in memory or judgment by June, next year at the time of renewal of a driver's license. This section is appealing by saying, "If the family of an elderly-people driver thinks that he is dangerous, he is kept from making it operate, and I want the elderly people itself to participate in an autonomous safety training program etc."
It is if it is a car.
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