The other day, it went by the family to hunt a strawberry.
A place is Nara Asuka Village. It is also a historical treasury and is a favorite place.
It is strawberry picking first thing in the morning. It is a kind called tomorrow or ruby. It is very delicious ♪ at a peach strawberry system.
All-you-can-eat for 30 minutes. .
It is delicious anyhow. There was no turn of the condensed milk brought secretly.
It does not open any longer. It has eaten like a demon, calling it last - now. .
And only a few takes a walk.
"-- boil あ - here "鹿男あ -- carrying out -- " -- seen -" -- って -- children were walks while frolicking noisily.
This time, having visited are Thirty-three-Holy-Places-of-Kannon-in-the-Western-Provinces the amulet-issuing office of No. 7 and, and Oka-dera.
It also has a name with 龍蓋寺 (りゅうがいじ) and there is also a pond which covered and shut up the dragon used as the origin of the name by the rock in the precincts of a temple.
It is reported that Oka-dera is 義淵 bishop foundation.
Many of those who are called priest of high virtue of the Nara period, such as a right valve which opened the basis of Todaiji, a bodhisattva, respected Gyoki, are 義淵 bishops.
They are the people who learned by の許. .
Although it is said that 義淵 was brought up by Okamiya with the Kusakabe Imperial prince who was Emperor Temmu's life as those parents having prayed to the Goddess of Mercy, and having received, and was the Crown Prince of 天武, when that Okamiya's marks are the places in this Oka-dera, are they? .
This time and Oka-dera have a very beautiful alpine rose. .
It was impressed 緑桜 (衣黄) being also in bloom unexpectedly and being wrapped in the snowflake-like cherry blossoms of a wild cherry tree.
After that. On the stone stage called Umako Soga's grave
Lunch is opened in the open space and it is a time leisurely. .
From the child's time, when it came to Asuka by the excursion etc., the time-tested product ate lunch here. .
Ball play is always carried out there. .
Since various things were brought from the house this time also, he enjoyed himself a lot. .
That it was lonely only one .
When it always did like this and he went out for play, the bubble was flown and parent and child were played. .
But children and a look were not carried out this time, either. . .
The mother was lonely although it was unavoidable, since it became large. . .
However, it is although it was pleasant at it since played or badminton was carried out, or play for which it was not able to do was also completed by large-なわ(ing) when small. . .
He came to associate with it at my history walk. . .
lonely just a little bit, although growth of children is glad -- rubbing -- the shin. . .
I will do like this and will go out together till when. . .
The recollections of this day in Asuka became what is not forgotten in various meanings. . .
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