The new voting method with which sale is started on September 16, 2006 in BIG (big).
an object [ games / of J1 and J2 / 14 ] -- victory [ for / of the home team / 90 minutes ] = "1" -- in addition
(A draw and extension) = "0" -- it loses and a computer chooses = "2."
The lot buyer cannot expect.
Being able to purchase for 300 yen per lot, the maximum amount of success-in-an-election money is 300 million yen (at the time of carry-over generating).
The price is a maximum of 600 million yen.
The game by which J. League was specified as the sport promotion lot (sport しんこう lot)
When の結果 or the points of each team are expected, its vote is cast and it guesses right, it is a receptacle about a refund.
It is a kind of public gamble possible [ of ること ].
Generally it is called a soccer lottery and the nickname of toto (Thoth) sticks. A basis method is a sport.
The law about implementation of promotion vote etc. (May 10, Heisei 10 (1998) law No. 63).
The National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health also becomes that of the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with a real chief mourner object, and it is り.
a そな bank (Asahi Bank although the Daiwa Bank was entrusted till February, 2003 at the beginning of a start)
It is managed in the form where a sales task will be entrusted to the company from March of the same year by ど and merger at shift.
toto (Thoth) is hoe ムチー about specified J. League of one copy, and 13 games of two copies.
The "victory" in the 90-minute progress time (extra-inning game 含まず) of ム, "defeat", "the result of others"
A (tie) etc. is expected.
The refund of the 2nd grade can be got by all the game this slack, 1 grade, and 1 game blank. (3 grades of 2 game blank)
It will abolish by は in the 2005 fiscal year.
* Expect the victory for [ it included the extra-inning game at the beginning ] 120 minutes, defeat, and a draw (in addition to this).
Since even all the game hits had become a low dividend, ていた is 2002 (being J2 90 minutes).
From the victory, the defeat, and others for 90 minutes after draw system introduction (an extra-inning game, a draw, etc.)
It became a form to expect. Since J1 became a draw system from 2003 for 90 minutes, it is the present league.
They are a "victory", "defeat", and a "draw" substantially during 戦 and the Nabisco cup pool play period.
They are three kinds of の.
seeing each mark number from a home -- 1 -- a "victory" and 2 -- "defeat" and 0 -- "-- in addition to this -- =
It is a draw."
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