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The practice and the year-end party of the kids soccer classroom which are continued at the local elementary school for ten years were held yesterday. 5-9 years old
it is pleasant for 26 persons' practice to put in play on Sunday for 2 hours by 9:30 - 11:30 in the morning every week の子ども all members -- sometimes
It will pass in the twinkling of an eye, teaching and guiding a は rule.
From the guardian friend of the nursery school where the daughter who is a college student now passed along the encounter with my kids soccer,
teaching soccer, since it goes to "elementary school and has become lack of exercise -- it was ?."
The soccer classroom-cum-exchange meeting managed with seven families came to be held twice per month.
Although the partners of a child's practice game are his mothers and it had become a partner somehow or other for about one year at the beginning, they are a third grader.
When it came to be alike, children made progress, and the partner of the game of the practice last replaced fathers and went.
At the time of the child and practice, if "the elementary school 1 - the convention for three years" have a one father, things will be heard, and it is appearance.
The junior soccer convention tied up with the local television station carried out the place. It has been Kumamoto-shi during two years since then.
It came out, did with the nursery school friend, and started with ten years before focusing on younger daughters in the elementary school ground. "Sumiyoshi soccer
It is - club."
The child who taught in Kumamoto becomes a college student, and one person is doing soccer in Chuo University of Tokyo. わ
Although the team of the daughters of が家 was without the ability winning easily for three years, only a woman's convention will be in the last for three years,
It remembers having won two victories at the league match, having participated in the tournament, and having been defeated by 2 game eye.
This Sumiyoshi soccer club is in the convention which boys also increase in number after that, and it manages by around about 30 persons every year, and is within the prefecture.
sometimes participating, and winning or having lost enough -- it is -- although -- pleasure soccer is continued.
The number which the kids soccer population (5-9 years old) of latest Kumamoto Prefecture has registered into the association exceeds 4,000 persons,
It is increasing with the vigor approaching 5,000 persons. This number is over soccer population of a member of society.
A kids soccer classroom is made into a job, many club teams can do it, there is also advertisement of player acquisition, and it is こ to a match.
The だわる team has also increased. Although it is worries for a while, an individual team also increases by thought of a guardian, and he is me.
"The soccer clubs (classroom) to enjoy" which the guardian friend of the formed elementary school unit [ like ] forms continues increasing in number.
ている -- things are delightful limitations.
Although it is a luncheon (year-end party) of parent-and-child 1 first clue and various opinions had come out yesterday, it was able to do three years ago,
The soccer training meeting constituted from kids, two elementary schools, junior high schools, and a Sumiyoshi club of a member-of-society team is supported,
It talked with an understanding of the guardian who is a supporter.
Environment where children and adults promote friendship and cherish the dream to boys' soccer through soccer
Ball play is continued in the soccer of play every week, thinking if it being able to make. Although it is [ every / a few ],
A coaching staff also increases and I think kana ? out of which devoting in supervisor business soon has come.
the child who practices too much, comes out and breaks condition while soccer training at an elementary school prospers after the J. League inauguration in the whole country,
When you hear that it has come out by the child who cannot play soccer in failure in a junior high school, the policy of operation of kids soccer is a pile.
I think that it becomes an important point.
If it rains, it will be absent from our club, and a winter vacation is the practice called rest also during practice nothing and the summer vacation the second half.
If the children who grow and play an active part in が, elementary school upper classes, and a junior high school are seen, just the soccer done while he enjoys himself
I think that it has a prolonged element in the future.
Mr. Kawai 隼雄's work -- a sport of Japan -- the newspaper title of "it having been equal to severe practice and having gained"
indication although it is conspicuous, that originality is insufficient at the sport of opposite side Japan, especially a team game -- hearing it
I think it required for future Japan's sport training to extend the soul of the sport to enjoy.
How is your surrounding sport boys' environment?
For a while, it is kind if or already obtains in an opinion.
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