It is putting into action an idea which smashes an old fixed idea and a preconceived idea, and expressing it (body 現).
If people meet with what has rich creativity, they will be impressed.
I want children to do a play which gives impression.
By the way, what kind of thing is it as making what was not till then?
what has rich creativity should build from "0 (zero)" -- is it that of る?
I think that it is impossible.
What is realized on much combination of basic x foundations with creativity
It is not born from the place which does not have anything.
It is written to the book which I read in this way about creativity.
The principle of creativity can be summarized to two.
1. It has a question (think why).
2. Combine a known element.
Creativity is wisdom and wisdom, while all people are born, it has by carrying out, and oneself realizes and it is supposed by being educated that it elongates greatly.
And the combination of an element is infinite.
It is said that master-of-invention Edison tried a huge quantity of the material when an exothermic electric bulb was invented.
As a result, the fiber of the moso bamboo was used and it succeeded in shining.
That's right said that the secrets of invention are "1% of inspiration (inspiration = flash) and 99% of Perth ピレーション (perspiration = efforts)"
Kamata 勝著: The checkpoint of 228 which should be made as this book - an administrator if it becomes a leader
x flash x efforts to basic x basic x Consider = Play of rich creativity
In order to impress people, let's tell children that honest efforts are required.
And if it meets with the scene where it is impressed in a play, let's tell impression to the extent that it is exaggerated.
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