Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When it is "隣宅 is a fire", what is made suddenly?
Although the acquaintance visited for the first time in about twenty years and renewed old friendship, I think that the talk then heard was consulted very much, and is consulted also at many people.
However, it is another question when this it is [ calm ] such whether to be able to act sure enough, although it became reference.
It is a question of the beginning.
The talk is like this.
One corner of a certain housing complex.
Seemingly outdoors is smoke somehow.
The clock was regarded without what mind as whether the wife of 隣宅 or garbage is burned. Then, 9:00 a.m. was as 廻 long ago.
If it is the time, not only the master but also his wife should have appeared in work.
"It is amusing."
It has sensed, the window was opened and outside was seen.
It is being thickly begun from near the kitchen of astonishment, what, and 隣宅 to send out smoke.
It is a fire,
It comes out and is an emergency call immediately.
Anyone can do it up to there.
The problem is the back.
They say that the acquaintance (his wife) all shut the sliding shutter suddenly.
I want to ask many ひ. being such -- things can be carried out -- it is.
The effect is mentioned later.
Now, the mother of flustered living together is 叱咤(ed), and what evacuated the child outside as even if set aside.
And the important thing which must be carried out outside was judged to something, this, and moment.
It is not a safe, either, if it is not a passbook, either. It was not a title deed of land and a house, either.
What gold cannot buy by any means,
the album taken a picture of and collected to today after one got married -- if it burns, it will be called the last, the thing which is not obtained by any means, and だった.
The fireman who arrived is in a big voice.
"ますか ー っ with a safe"!
the time of having cried -- だ .
Then, it is said that firemen gave up fire extinguishing of the origin of a fire, and they began water-drainage in all the houses that adjoin the surroundings in order to prevent a spreading fire.
a result -- water pressure -- a windowpane -- being torn -- a house -- inside becomes submersion
It is not foolish り.
They say that sparks invaded from the torn window.
Having shut the sliding shutter demonstrated the effect of not being believed at all.
And no less than three adjoining houses are burned down by a spreading fire.
But, the antenna of television was twisted with the heat of the fire, and also this 知人宅 has what no damage.
It is said that he was surprised at the fireman.
it thought of shutting a sliding shutter suddenly why -- it is.
the acquaintance -- not independently necessarily experienced in a fire.
The talk is returned.
When it was this itself, was such calm action completed?
the pillow was held and it was in ぶらさげ and a knee wobble about か and 薬缶 -- coming out -- was there nothing?
In fact, the waist escaped from the resident of another むね and he does not stand [ be / that it had become / it / said ].
Although it is the it who is making important-looking comments toward the wife usually, "calm action" very very like this acquaintance's wife can be performed, and does not have a coconut.
He comes out and is still surprised.
They say that a master's company is telephoned and help was also asked to the master's parents' home telephone いれ something while [ the ] 隣宅 was burning.
The master who received connection, the means completely given up until it returned to the house although it went home in a hurry.
It is hard to surprise when having escaped the spreading fire like a miracle, and imagination, and is not in them.
Seemingly, invasion of sparks will be more fearful than imagination.
because, the sparks which invaded -- what -- it is said that a fire may be again caused at the ど忘れた time
this -- it is -- a fireman says that under the eaves, the underpart of the roof, etc. were investigated carefully, and he performed them.
Although it does not understand well, such calm judgment whose liver was fixed may be a natural thing.
they are not such unexpected judgment and a thing tried hard and made -- it is because it considers.

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